You think liberty is important both for yourself and for all of humanity. You respect others and think it is important that everyone be given the opportunity to make decisions for themselves rather than have authority figures tell them what is best. The autonomy of every individual is important but there are times in which personal actions clash and these necessitate commonly arbitrated solutions. As such you recognize that there is a role for government as long as it depends on the consent of the governed – this makes parliamentary democracy important to you.
You prefer the role of government in economics and society to be small. In practice you will tolerate public sector activity as long as it is efficient and allows you to get on with your life. You are likely to advocate for both a predominantly free-market economy and a cosmopolitan and permissive culture.
Liberalism has influenced progressive and moderate and establishmentarian politics. If any of this is too bland for you then try the libertarian on for size.
Scores: Stability (0-50%) Liberty (51-85%) Equality (0-50%)